Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and safe new year. I can’t wait to jump into 2024 with some fresh new music, guitar education projects and the many other adventures that await. Thank you all for the continued support and inspiration. It sure means a lot to me! Now let’s get after it!
Here is a simple thank you video to everyone who has joined the GT mailing list. We have a blast creating these for you and appreciate you being a part of the community here. We won’t wear you out, but will keep you up to date with anything we feel is cool, fun and worthy of sharing.
This newsletter has more of a blog feel as we combine all sorts of content ranging from music, lifestyle, personal, food and beverage, suggested listenings and of course any current news about what we are up to here in the guitar and music world.
Again, thanks for all the support!
Guthrie Trapp
New Website Is Live!

We are excited to announce the new GT website! We encourage you to explore all the tabs and utilize everything we have created for you there. We will be updating it with content regularly and hope you like it!
“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”
– Abraham Lincoln